Homebuyer Dream Program® Plus
Homebuyer Dream Program® Plus (HDP® Plus) Reservation Request
The inaugural 2024 Homebuyer Dream Program® Plus (HDP® Plus)
Round is now open.
New household reservation requests must be submitted to the FHLBNY by authorized member representatives via the FHLBNY’s File Transfer System for households who meet eligibility requirements as established in the Homebuyer Dream Program® Plus Guidelines.
To submit a new household reservation request, the member must submit a fully executed HDP® Plus Round Request Form (in MS Excel format, containing the .xlsx file extension) and select the New Household Reservation Request option. The HDP Plus Round Request Form along with the following required documentation (in PDF format) must be submitted via the FHLBNY File Transfer System as one Zip file per household:
- Income documentation for all sources of income for each income earning adult in the household
- Fully executed Homebuyer Certification
- Fully executed Homeownership Counseling Certificate
- Fully executed Zero Income Certification form(s) for each member of the household with zero income
- Fully executed legal separation agreement or court papers filed for divorce (if applicable)
FHLBNY will review the completed household reservation requests submitted by participating members. The submission of a household reservation request does not constitute a reservation or commitment of funds.