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Industry Events

New York Credit Union Association

State Government Affairs Conference

March 20-21, 2023
Renaissance Hotel, Albany, NY

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FHLBNY Chief Business Officer, Adam Goldstein, will moderate the session, “Connecting the Dots on the Economy, Legislation, Business and Technology.”

Featured on the panel:

  • Brian Jones, Financial Economist
  • Robert Brown, VP, Chief Information Security Officer
  • Kimani S. Little, Government Relations Officer

Our panel of FHLBNY executives will unpack today’s relevant trends and observations in the economy (national and local) and the impact to credit union business. Understand how technological advancements are creating both opportunities and risks to the industry, and how the current environment is translating into legislative agendas.

This annual event is your chance to connect directly with some of the most influential lawmakers, regulators, and insiders in the New York State government. Don’t miss your chance to turn advocacy into action and register today!

We look forward to connecting with our members throughout the event.

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